Do You Have Items That Need A Time Out?

Have you ever thought of giving your stuff a time out?  Well, let us introduce to you a great organizing tool called the “TimeOut Box”.  If you have ever tried to get organized, you have probably read about, or tried, the “ Keep” and “Go” method.  Why? Because it works. It’s a great starting point […]

Hiring a Professional Organizer vs a Home Stager!

  Why Hire a Certified Professional Organizer BEFORE Listing! “Purging, packing and assisting with the house before listing  and the move will save your client time and money.”  “Give your home the competitive edge!” “Show well, sell quicker” Difference between a Home Stager and a Professional Organizer Professional home stagers are practiced in the art […]

Declutter before you list your home for sale!!

De-cluttering your home is so the buyers that come through your home can see in the closets, storage areas and  corners of basements.  Also so they can get close to the windows to check out to the furnace and check it out and any other areas in the home. When a potential buyer comes in […]