A photo is worth a thousand words. They are gateways into our past. They are reminders of days gone by. A chance to glimpse at a loved one or smile at a memory that made us part of who we are today.
I can remember a day when you had to lug out the big camera, had to rewind the film and even attach a flash cube!( now that’s showing my age) But those days were soooo good! We took pictures of our lives and places and people. We developed pieces of our past whether they were out of focus, crooked or even ugly! Now with the age of digitalization it’s wonderful that we can delete an unattractive photo in seconds. We can pick and choose what we want to keep and what we want to frame and display. But there are a few down falls to our digitalized world as well.
I’m forever hearing complaints from my parents that they never see pictures of their grandkids anymore! Their fridges are bare or extremely dated with toddler photos ( that kids in second year Uni now). Yes, the digital camera came with so many great attributes, but we’ve taken these pictures and then that’s it! Are they ever really shared?
What about those boxes of pictures from the 70’s where your parents are dressed to kill and living it large! What about your prom pics or even those pictures that finally got developed and now you love them, but not enough to frame and “live with them” in your space.
These photographs are a life that was lived to it’s fullest. They are windowpanes into days when things were a little less fast. Just In Time Solutions can bring those moments back, we can allow you the opportunity to SHARE these photos with your family and friends.
One of our organizing services allows us to scan large amounts of photos and documents and store them safely on a USB, perfect for the digital frame you’re thinking of getting Mom and Dad!