April is a fantastic month. My amazing daughter was born on the 23rd. My wonderful sister was born on the 17th. My parents were married on the 20th. As well as, my mother-in-law and many great friends were born in this month. April is a month of new birth and growth.
What are you going to plant? What are you going to weed out so new growth can come in? What are you going to eliminate so you can be more at peace and relaxed?
April is always a great time to help your children go through their toys, books, clothes and other belongings. Decide what they did not use, wear or need for the past winter months. Help them see that when they purge their surroundings it is easier for them to find the toy or book they want. It is also a great thing to give to others who do not have as much as you. Help them take the belongings to the women’s shelter, the Salvaltion Army, or charity of your choice. No matter what the age everyone can use a little help with this and it gives you an opportunity to spend time with them and catch up.

People talk about “Living with Less”, “Get rid of Clutter”, “Downsize” etc. Let’s put a positive spin on this – Let’s “Live Real!” Live your life with you, your family, your friends, enjoy the people around you. Stuff just gives us things to clean up, to put away, to spend money on and to store. People give us life experiences.
Take a honest look around your home. Look at everything in your home and think of what value it has to you, what it reminds you of and what emotion it creates for you. If it is a negative response, remove it so someone else can enjoy.
Now it is time to enjoy Spring!!