After this spring’s forest fires in Fort McMurray I’ve given a lot of thought to being prepared. I know there are times when I think, Really is it really going to happen?
But, the truth of the matter is, it does happen and if you are prepared for an emergency you will be better off then most.
Think short term and long term.
So here’s a question…someone knocks on your door and says you have ten minutes to get out of your home. What do you take and is it accessible without climbing up to the attic?
Erin ( the voice of reason) responded with – My passport.
That’s it. That’s what she would grab. Why? Because it’s her lifeline to her identity, her finances and all the important info that authorities need to see.
Pauline’s response – My fire safe. Again important documents and necessary emergency id. Is it accessible? She’ll never tell 🙂
Rebecca’s response – Wallet and Phone. It’s always about ID. Then it’s about being able to contact my kids/family.
These three responses are great, but in the event that there is no power, you have no transportation and there is a lack of communication. Where are you going to go now?
The banks are not going to be able to hand over cash and if by some miracle they do have a limited supply you are not going to get all you want. Credit cards and ATM are not going to be working. The local drug store will not be handing out medications on a whim.
And then you’ve got to remember there will be people everywhere. So do you have a “plan” with your family? Make sure they all know where a meet up point is.
On a good note if you stopped into your local dentist, I’m thinking they’d give you a toothbrush and toothpaste!
So….Create a plan. Write it down, step by step because the hardest thing in an emergency is not panicking.
Get a “Grab and go” bag ready
Medications, over the counter/prescriptions. Copies of Birth Cert. Cash. Toiletries. Pre-packaged food. Small first-aid kit. List of Phone Numbers. Change of clothes.
Now put this bag in the front hall closet and tell your family where it is.