A big question we often get asked is “How do I keep it organized after you leave?”
It is truly a worry for some. They have invested in getting their space(s) organized and now they want to protect that investment.
Staying organized does not have a “one size fits all” solution, but there are things everyone can strive to do, to help keep their spaces tidy and functional.
First, in order to be successful in staying organized all things MUST have a home. A proper home makes it more likely items will be put away. Remember, new things need a home too!
The second, is teaching yourself “don’t put it down, put it away”. Doing this is a habit, just like dropping or piling is a habit. Most people make this their mantra and work hard at it. Be patient with yourself. Praise yourself when you do it.
For some, after care is easy, but for others, it is not. For some, they need regular maintenance visits to help stay on task, stay organized and keep clutter free. Just like you would not just go to a doctor once, or a mechanic once, you may need to see your organizer more than once.
At Just In Time Solutions, we want you to be successful at reaching your organizing needs, while we are there and long after. We are always here to support you. As Rebecca likes to say; “once you hire us, we are here for you!”