Preparing a will and making sure your affairs are in order is not usually on the top of anyone’s to do list, but it should be.
The unexpected happens. Too often we see individuals and families dealing with very difficult situations, because there was no will or an individual’s wishes were nowhere to be found.
The unknowns can create feuds, law suits, lost memorabilia and more. By having proper documentation and people in designated roles (Powers of Attorneys and Executors), you are ensuring that your belongings are being properly cared for.
Being prepared for the unexpected, does not mean you are preparing for death.
Think about it, if you have ever been involved in helping with an estate you will realize there is so much more to it than the will. In our will we do not often state things like – who get’s Mom’s wedding rings? Now it may have verbally been discussed but if it is not in writing and someone else feels they should have them what do you do?
Things like passwords to your electronics, was there a safety deposit box and where is the key for it? The list goes on.
Have a list of your team of people – financial advisor, accountants, bankers, person who cleans your home, landscaper…
If you become unable to communicate, someone you trust should know what needs to be done and where things are until you are able again.
Don’t forget about your pets!! Oftentimes people do not plan for where their pets will go and they end up in shelters.
We take so many things for granted. Be prepared, it is the right thing to do for your family and friends.