It’s not my stuff, but should I keep it? Is it wrong to let it go? A question so many are faced with when they downsize or lose a loved one. There is no right answer with how to begin the process of letting things go. There are steps you can take, and things to consider, to help make the process seem less daunting and stressful. First, start with what’s easy. Go through the home and remove garbage and recyclables. Talk to family members and close friends to see if there are items they could use or want. Tip: Make sure that everyone understands that any items they want/need to be picked up in a timely manner. Next, look for items that are not sentimental and evaluate them. Are there some you want to sell? If so, be honest with yourself. Ask yourself if the items you want to sell will give you the return in time and effort to do so. Items you do not plan to sell, donate. Now, you are left with the items you feel you need or want to keep. If you have space for these items, great! If you don’t really have space, but you just can’t let them go yet, that’s ok. That feeling could change in time, so pack them up and put them in a safe place to be revisited in the future. What you don’t want is to overwhelm your space at home, so be honest with yourself when going through items. Consider taking a picture of the item. If it is a set of dishes, keep a piece of it, maybe a serving plate, or tea cup and saucer. Most importantly, if the whole task is just too overwhelming, or you just need some extra help, there are professionals out there to help.