Yes, it’s here and you’re lovin it!
But with summer comes schedules, play dates, holidays and camps. It can be very overwhelming and it can start to bring your summer experience down.
As Professional Organizers number #1 rule – stay on top of activites with a large printable calendar that can be posted two weeks out on your fridge or command centre.
We use google calendars and they do work really well, but sometimes SEEING the on-slot of events right in front of you for a two week period will help you stress to your family
” It’s just too busy” and you might actually be able to book some “DOWN TIME”.
We’re all about digital calendars, but we also find that grandparents and babysitters cannot always access family calendars, so having a large printable one helps everyone.
Another hint: Highlight each activity with a different colour and correspond that colour with the person doing the activity. Annie ( Red) going for a play date on Thursday gets highlighted RED, so that even youngsters can look at a calendar and know that if they see their “colour” coming up that they have something going on.
Enjoy your summer days. It will be gone in a blink of the eye. Slow it down. Pay attention to those around you. They are growing up and soon those summer days will be gone.