When you get up in the morning and start your day, it’s important that you understand that the space you are living in reflects what’s going on in your life. There is a link to your surroundings that is like an umbilical cord.
We have years of experience working with families and individuals and we’re here to tell you if you feel “out of control”
, if there’s a heavy weight resting on your shoulders there may be a very simple solution.
Try one thing….
That’s it – just one thing.
Make your bed.
Tuck the sheets in, straighten the duvet and put the decorative pillows up.
Now, tonight when you walk into your bedroom after a long day, whether it was productive or not you have some sanctuary to end the day in.
But when you walk into your room, you need to acknowledge how you feel when you look at that bed. You need to be aware of that moment when you see that “comfort”, that space that is simple and welcoming. If you don’t take the time to appreciate that moment it will be lost and the work ( however limited) you put into it was for nothing.
Once you’ve tried this, once you’ve accepted that this “one thing” made a difference in how you felt when you ended your day, you can continue the journey into simplifying the rest of your space.
Don’t think WOW! I’m going to tackle the basement tomorrow! ( well ok if you want to!) But We’re here to tell you, don’t bite off more then you can chew. Stick to your bedroom and it’s sanctuary. It’s a great first step. And a peaceful rest is what we are trying to get you to understand. You must start with yourself, you must make sure you’re rested and strong to begin the journey of bringing chaos to calm.
Make your bed and then clean off your bedside table.
I mean leave nothing but the lamp and your alarm clock if you have one. When you reach out to turn off that light I want to you see a clear bedside table. I want you to rest.