Has COVID 19 turned your home into your office, your child’s classroom or both? Have the lines between workspace and living space become blurred. So many people suddenly found themselves turning their homes into temporary offices or school rooms and after 2+ years, some are realizing, for them, it’s no longer temporary. Some businesses have decided to continue having their employees work remotely and some families have chosen to continue having their children learn online and not return to the classroom. These decisions can mean “the home office” needs a makeover – especially if it has been the kitchen table.

Not everyone is going to have a designated office space in their house or apartment, so organization and storage solutions are key. They don’t have to be complicated ideas. Just remember, at the end of every work day, put your desk “away”, so you can step out of work/school and into home. One idea is having a drawer cart to store items when not in use. Often times they have wheels, so they can be easier to move out of the way and back. Clear a shelf or two on a bookcase or spare closet and get some decorative storage boxes or baskets to ‘hide away’ the office. If you know this situation is going to be for the long run, consider investing in a fold away desk or cabinet desk. The main thing to remember, it don’t your office get out of hand and take over your home space. By making a point to clean up and put away every night, you will have a higher success rate of staying organized and setting boundaries.