The days are getting shorter and cooler. The leaves are falling off the trees and winter is on the way. It is time to put away the summer clothes and bring out the winter ones. Why not take this seasonal transition as an opportunity to take stock of what’s in your closets and dressers. The following is a great check list of questions to ask yourself as you look at each garment:
- Does it currently fit?
- Do you/will you actually wear it?
- Do you love it?
- Even if you love it, has it lived its life? Is it in too bad of shape that you should really let it go?
- Does it make you feel good to wear it?
- How many of the same or similar items do you have? Example; if you have 5 pairs of khaki pants, you are likely to not wear at least 2 pairs.
- Is it uncomfortable?
- If it’s rarely worn, why? Is it a special occasion item, or are you just keeping it because it is “like new”?
- Is it out of fashion?
- Are you only keeping the garment because it was a gift? If you are not expected to make a show of it, you don’t need to keep it.
- Do you have to buy more clothes or shoes to make it wearable?
- Do you keep the garment merely to fill a “category”? For example; you hate wearing sleeveless shirts, but think you should have some sleeveless shirts?
- Does it fill a need that no longer exists? For example; you needed business attire for a past job, but you no longer are working at that job.
- It needs mending or alterations before it can be worn. Be honest! Are you ever going to mend it, or take it to be altered? If the answer is no…let it go. If the answer is yet, do it!
- Do you describe an item of clothing by saying “ I would wear that” or “I have worn that”? If so, you are suggesting you don’t actually wear it.
There is a saying “ you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time”. Having a closet and/or dresser that only has clothes that fit and you will wear, makes getting dressed easier and less stressful. There are lots of great organizations that are happy to accept clothing donations and/or textile recycling.
If you think your closet may be a challenge or overwhelming, call a friend/family member, that you trust their opinion, and make a date for a fashion show. Have them ask you the questions from the list. Or, Call a Professional Organizer and have them come and help you. A well organized closet is a great way to start a day.