Have you ever thought of clutter affecting your mental health? Have you ever walked into a room and walked out because you are frustrated, you cannot find what you need or you just feel overwhelmed? Have you ever said I just need to tip my house of its contents and start all over?
Clutter is like anything else we have or do in excess, if it affects how we feel and live.
Clutter can affect your physical and mental health. Excess “stuff” can be a physical manifestation of mental health issues. We do not always realize that the clutter is bothering us until it’s removed. For example; We assisted a client with a basement full of boxes, items from people who have passed and items never unboxed from their last home. They knew it needed organizing, but it wasn’t until after the basement was completed that they realized what a weight all that clutter had been.
Mental Clutter increases stress and stress can ultimately cause or inflame illnesses. Clutter overloads your senses, just like multitasking overloads your brain, causing you to be stressed out and anxious. Not sure how clutter is affecting you? Click this link and take the Clutter Quality of Life Scale survey https://form.jotform.com/50614991787165 .
Steps to declutter your home:

- Start with the storage areas – basement, garage, closets and storage rooms
- Start with one shelf, one box, one item
- Ask yourself – keep or go
- When you struggle with this decision, ask yourself “when did I last use it”, “will keeping it help me remember my loved one”, “does it fit”, “is it broken”
- Remember everything you own should have a purpose, whether it be for use or for decoration to make you feel joy when you see it.
- As you go through your home step by step and day by day you will start to see it transform into a more peaceful and useful space. A home you are excited to come home to.
Clear your space, clear your mind and enjoy the space you live in.