What is the Four Box Method of decluttering? Life is chaotic. One thing that we can do to manage the chaos is to create a clutter free space because many people don’t realize the impact that clutter can have on their mental well-being. .  So let’s begin. Gather four bins (could be a box, clear […]

How is Organizing Like Weight Loss?

Getting your space organized can feel like losing weight.  When you are successful, you feel lighter, healthier and have increased energy and a positive outlook.  Overall, you just feel better about yourself (and your surroundings).  Like weight on our body, weight in your home can feel heavy and affect your self esteem. Study after study […]

Do You Have Items That Need A Time Out?

Have you ever thought of giving your stuff a time out?  Well, let us introduce to you a great organizing tool called the “TimeOut Box”.  If you have ever tried to get organized, you have probably read about, or tried, the “ Keep” and “Go” method.  Why? Because it works. It’s a great starting point […]

Helping You after a Loss.

Whether you are the executor or a family member, or both, Just In Time Solutions can help you. We want you to be able to grieve and focus on family, not the daunting task of “what to do with all the stuff?” We can help, sort through items, walk you through the best way to […]

You’re organized! Now what?

You’re organized! Now what? You’ve spent the past few months, maybe even up to a year, discarding, decluttering and reinventing your space. So how do you maintain this new life of order and calm? Here are some tips that can help you maintain your newly reclaimed space. Be mindful about what you bring into your […]

Your Mental Health and Clutter

Have you ever thought of clutter affecting your mental health?  Have you ever walked into a room and walked out because you are frustrated, you cannot find what you need or you just feel overwhelmed?  Have you ever said I just need to tip my house of its contents and start all over?  Clutter is […]

The First Step

The First Step You may be surprised to read that the first step in organizing is not getting organized.  The first step is letting go!   Finding storage solutions, taking up storage areas or prime living space for items that you actually don’t really want is a time (and space) waster, no matter how great the […]

Topic One: Food

Topic One: Food – Best Before vs Expiry Dates…What’s the difference? A good place to start when organizing your kitchen is with the edible items.  Easy enough…right? Well, not always.  Yes, getting rid of that box of crackers that has been open since last Christmas or the box of cereal with nothing but dust left […]

Hiring a Professional Organizer Can Be Like Shaking An Etch-A-Sketch

When you were a kid, did you own an Etch-A_Sketch?  You could turn those dials and make the lines go in crazy, jumbled directions. You could try and make an actual picture or just scribble away.  When the picture got too muddled or you wanted to try something different, you just gave it a good […]

Honouring or Afraid?

Honour (verb) – “regard with great respect” Afraid (adjective) – “feeling of fear or anxiety; frightened -worried that something undesirable will occur or be done -unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of consequences When entering into your organizing journey, inevitably, there will be an item or items that have been “handed down” to […]